Francisco Freiria

Francisco Freiria

MSc Electrical and computer Engineering

Welcome to my Curriculum website!

In this space on the internet you can see my qualifications in a more interactive way and get to know me better. In addition to the experience presented in the typical CV, there are also direct links to my projects on my GitHub page.

Currently looking for a job!

Download CV pdf

About me

How do I describe myself?

I describe myself as honest, creative and professional. Able to analyze each situation pragmatically and essentially with a critical spirit guided by an identity based on moral and ethical values of equality, evolution and empathy for human nature.

What do I look for in next job opportunity?

Actively seeking job opportunities beyond Portugal. I feel that my personal development is greater outside of my comfort zone as curiosity has always been part of my nature. This motto amplifies my commitment to deliver high-quality work.

I'm looking for a job opportunity in image processing, computer vision or data analysis fields. In a robust learning environment, it is crucial to clearly delineate the boundaries between competitiveness and unity. I believe that both values are essential for fostering high-quality work.


BSc in Eletrical and computer Engineering

University of Beira Interior

Finishing Common Core

MSc in Eletrical and computer Engineering

Univeristy of Lisbon - Instituto Superior Técnico

Telecommunication Major & Systems, Decision and Control Minor.

Tech Stack

  • Computer Vision;
  • Data Analysis;
  • Python for computer vision: Tensorflow, PyTorch, NumPy, Scikit-Learn, matplotlib, PLC and more;
  • Python for test automation: Robot Framework & Selenium;
  • C/C#/C++;
  • Assembley;
  • SQL;
  • Among others.

Master Thesis

Kidney segmentation in MRI images using deep learning: A comparison between U-NET and Attention U-NET

With this study, I gained proficiency using Python for computer vision.

In this research I studied deep learning methodologies in magnetic resonance imaging to address total kidney volume (TKV) as a non-invasive biomarker for the control and detection of diseases such as Chronic Kidney Disease. TKV can be obtained from kidney segmentation.

I compared the results obtained using two neural networks with different parameterizations for kidney segmentation. Two-class (kidney and background) and three-class (kidney, contour and background) approaches were applied as an attempt to improve the segmentation of border regions. Promising results were obtained.

Experiences & Volunteering

    Interrail europe
    Cello in Music Conservatory
    Banco Alimentar contra a fome
    Just a Change









Work in progress...


09/2023 - Present

Children's tutor

Adães Bermudes School, Guarda, Portugal

Tutoring 6-8 years old children: Assisting with homework, encouraging science, exploring creativity through fine arts projects and practicing values of empathy for human nature.



Software Analyst


  • MACQ: Tester and designer of automated, integration, manual and UAT tests for software.
  • AstraZenica: Manual tester.
  • Trainings:

  • RFW: Robot Framework for automated testing
  • jMeter: For non functional testing

During the six sprints (15-day sprint), our team never had any tests rejected.


Replacement Assistant

Sonae, Continente

Good opportunity to improve communication, workflow, teamwork, conflict resolution, and organizational space management, among others.


Telecommunications Projects

Proficiency in MATLAB and basic skills in Python and HTML were put to the test, in addition to vast theoretical knowledge.

Antennas, Audio and Video Communication and Photonics brought me a passion for telecommunications.

Control Systems Projects

Proficiency in Python and MATLAB were put to the test, in addition to vast theoretical knowledge. The skills acquired throughout the projects gave me the basis for the theoretical and practical development of my master's thesis.

Artifical Inteligence laboratories brought me a passion for Data Analysis, Computer Vision and Deep learning algorithms.

Database Projects

SQL,PHP, HTML and CSS basic skills were put to the test.

Management Projects

Carrying out these projects gave me a greater analytical and critical ability for project management. When learning about the various phases of a project, the ability to see the importance of each phase is heightened. It is important to be aware of the importance of each phase to develop the best work possible.

Signal Processing Projects

Proficiency in MATLAB was put to the test, in addition to vast theoretical knowledge. Carrying out these laboratories gave me a passion for image processing, which was enhanced throughout my master's thesis.

Free Time



Guarda, Portugal

+351 927 799 590